Networking Pocketbook (ebook only)

Jon Warner


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Anyone you might want to contact in the world is only 5-6 people-contacts away from you, maintains Jon Warner in the Networking Pocketbook. He sees networking as a major social and life skill that can benefit both our working and personal life. The Networking Pocketbook details the four basic steps that lead to effective networking relationships, the so-called LINK: Learning (about needs, ours and other people’s) Investing (making strong contacts) Nurturing (achieving a deeper relationship) Keeping (maintaining the momentum) As the author leads readers through these four basic steps he progressively describes the seven key competencies needed for effective networking. These competencies relate to temperament/disposition, strategic planning, organisation, nurturing, communications, socialising and persistence.

Product Details


Jon Warner

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date


Paperback Pages


Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148 x 7 mm

Paperback ISBN

978 1 906610 83 8

eBook ISBN



“The Networking Pocketbook provides a simple but well-written guide to building great connections in both personal and professional life.”
Rebecca Jennings, CEO, Hips and Curves, California

“Effective networking can provide big returns. It is also a skill that should be mastered at all levels. This pocketbook makes it easy for everyone to learn more about this subject and to invest their energy in much greater networking effort.”
Winston Rugman, General Manager, Organisational Development, Qantas Airways


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