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Marketing Automation – Automated Personalisation!

Marketing Automation

Marketing AutomationThe explosion in online business and the effectiveness of Software as a Service have created a new boom: Marketing Automation. This allows marketers to address prospective customers almost personally. But to do so in a way that scales with your business.

It sounds almost too good to be true. So, what is marketing automation, and how does it work?

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SaaS: Software as a Service

SaaS - Software as a Service

SaaS - Software as a ServiceThere have always been lots of models for how to buy stuff. Buy it outright, lease it to spread the cost and then look after it, or lease it and let the owner keep it maintained. Now software is as important to running our world as buildings and tractors, we are seeing the same sort of options arise. And hence the emergence of SaaS: Software as a Service

So what is it, why is it popular, and what concerns should you address, before taking on a SaaS contract?

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