Learning Needs Analysis Pocketbook

Paul Donovan & John Townsend


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Ninety percent of all training is a waste of time (reveals a US investigation) either because the training is not transferred into the workplace, or the training design/delivery is poor or the participants are unable/unwilling to learn.

The Learning Needs Analysis Pocketbook will ensure that your people development solutions are tied to the organisation’s strategic plans and objectives. The authors simplify the analysis process and demonstrate that it can be strategic, rewarding, career-enhancing and, even, fun!

The book is divided into three sections: 1. The Six Windows: a method of looking into the organisation to identify the most pressing and results-oriented learning needs. 2. The 10 Point Training Plan: the document, spreadsheet or wall chart where you can record all your notes from the learning needs investigation and plan for each training course or event. 3. The Tool Box: to help you do a great job at every step of the process.

Previously published as Training Needs Analysis Pocketbook.

Product Details


Paul Donovan & John Townsend

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date




Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148 x 7 mm

Paperback ISBN

978 1 906610 71 5

eBook ISBN



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“Concise yet comprehensive, a handy and valuable resource for training professionals.”
Justin Kinnear, Education & Training Manager, IBM Sales & Marketing Centre EMEA

“Paul and John have once again provided a really practical set of tools in a wellstructured and accessible format. The six windows will certainly help readers focus quickly on what matters.”
David Backhouse, Head of Learning & Development, Thames Valley Police

“Accurate, precise, thorough and an invaluable tool for anyone involved in identifying training and development needs.”
Brian Kirwan, Human Resources Director, Irish Blood Transfusion Service