How many have you heard of?
Go on! Take a look down the list. How many of these great thinkers and practitioners do you know. And even if you know them, how many can you be sure you really know what they contributed, and why it’s valuable?
Here is an index to our Management Thinkers series.
There are now around 200 of the biggest figures in the theory and practice of management.
This list is current at the end of Q4 2017. We are drawing a line under this sequence of articles for now, but the archive will remain.
- Jennifer Aaker
- John Adair
- Karol Adamiecki
- Icek Ajzen
- Teresa Amabile
- Igor ︎ Ansoff
- Chris Argyris
- Mary Kay Ash
- Lotte Bailyn
- David Bancroft-Turner
- Richard Bandler and John Grinder
- Duncan Bannatyne
- Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal
- Bernard Bass
- Roy Baumeister
- Meredith Belbin
- Warren Bennis (and Part 2)
- Jeff Bezos
- Robert Blake (& Jane Mouton)
- Kenneth Blanchard
- Karen Brady
- Richard Branson
- David Brent
- Katherine Briggs (& Isabel Briggs-Myers)
- Isabel Briggs-Myers (& Katherine Briggs)
- Brenee Brown
- Warren Buffett
- James MacGregor Burns
- Tony Buzan
- James Caan
- Susan Cain
- Kim Cameron
- Andrew Carnegie
- Dale Carnegie
- James Champy (& Michael Hammer)
- W Chan Kim (& Renee Mauborgne)
- Alfred Chandler
- Clayton Christensen
- Robert Cialdini
- Jim Collins
- Philip Crosby
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Amy Cuddy
- Edward de Bono
- Arie de Geus
- Michael Dell
- W Edwards Deming
- Jane ni Dhulchaointigh
- Walt Disney
- Peter Drucker Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3
- Nancy Duarte
- Stephen Dubner (& Steven Levitt)
- Angela Duckworth
- Carol Dweck
- Julia Galef
- Henry Gantt
- Timothy Gallwey, and here
- Howard Gardner
- Bill Gates
- Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett
- Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
- King Camp Gillette
- Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones
- Eliyahu Goldratt
- Daniel Goleman
- William Gordon and George Prince
- Adam Grant
- Lynda Gratton
- Philip Green
- Robert Greenleaf
- John Grinder and Richard Bandler
- Seth Godin
- Gary Hamel
- Michael Hammer (& James Champy)
- Charles Handy … and Part 2
- Chip Heath and Dan Heath
- Margaret Heffernan
- John Heron
- Frederick Herzberg
- Sylvia Ann Hewlett
- Linda Hill
- Napoleon Hill
- Vlatka Hlupic
- Geert Hofstede
- Carl Honore
- Nicola Horlick
- Michelle Howard
- Dennis Jaffe (& Cynthia Scott)
- Steve Jobs
- Spencer Johnson
- Whitney Johnson
- Gareth Jones ( Rob Goffee)
- Joseph Juran
- Daniel Kahnemann
- Ingvar Kamprad
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Robert Kaplan and David Norton
- Guy Kawasaki
- Herb Kelleher
- Barbara Kellerman
- Ralph Kilmann & Kenneth Thomas
- Nancy Kline
- David Kolb
- Deborah Kolb
- Philip Kotler
- John Kotter
- James Kouzes and Barry Posner
- Ellen Langer
- Jean-Claude Larréché
- Estee Lauder
- Steven Levitt (& Stephen Dubner)
- Theodore Levitt
- Kurt Lewin (Lewin’s Equation, Force Fields, Freeze Phases/Change)
- Rensis Likert
- Niccolo Machiavelli
- David Maister
- Charles Margerison and Dick McCann
- Abraham Maslow
- Renee Mauborgne (& W Chan Kim)
- Dick McCann and Charles Margerison
- Bernice McCarthy
- David McClelland
- Rita Gunther McGrath
- Douglas McGregor
- Marshall McLuhan
- Nilofer Merchant
- David Merrill (& Roger Reid)
- Hiroshi Mikitani
- Robert Miller (& Gary Williams)
- Henry Mintzberg 1 and Henry Mintzberg 2
- Jane Mouton (& Robert Blake)
- David Packard
- Richard Tanner Pascale
- Tom Peters
- Tom Peters and Robert Waterman
- Michael Porter, and here, and here
- Barry Posner and James Kouzes
- Colin Powell
- C.K. Prahalad
- George Prince and William Gordon
- Sheryl Sandberg
- Virginia Satir
- Edgar Shein
- Warren Schmidt (& Robert Tannenbaum)
- Donald Schön
- Cynthia Scott (& Dennis Jaffe)
- Susan Scott
- Martin Seligman
- Peter Senge
- Alfred P Sloane
- Karen Stephenson
- Rosemary Stewart
- Alan Sugar
- Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler
- Hirotaka Takeuchi (& Ikujiro Nonaka)
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Deborah Tannen
- Robert Tannenbaum (& Warren Schmidt)
- Frederick Winslow Taylor
- Philip Tetlock
- Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein
- Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann
- Roselinde Torres
- Eiji Toyoda
- Fons Trompenaars
- Bruce Tuckman
- Samuel Walton
- Robert Waterman & Tom Peters
- Jack Welch
- Gary Williams (& Robert Miller)
- Oprah Winfrey
- Liz Wiseman
- Joan Woodward