C.R.M. Pocketbook (EBOOK only)

David Alexander & Charles Turner


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An effective customer relationship management strategy can deliver a step change in customer engagement, profitability, revenue growth and sustainability. This second edition of the CRM Pocketbook will help managers take a more strategic approach to setting relationship management objectives and implementing practical plans in a multi-channel environment. Consumers are becoming more empowered and turning to channels where they can access their own personal information, have more say in how that information is used, and manage how often they receive marketing materials. They have the ability to compare and analyse product and service offerings without the need for interaction with suppliers. This book explains how organisations can build more effective engagement strategies that provide outstanding customer support and drive business value. There is a section describing the contribution needed from departments within organisations, including how to keep investors informed and supportive of CRM initiatives, leading to the delivery of the customer promise and business results.

Product Details


David Alexander & Charles Turner

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date


Paperback Pages


Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148 x 7 mm

Paperback ISBN

978 1 906610 62 3

eBook ISBN

978 1 908284 33 4


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“Brilliant and inspiring even for an organisation that has focused on building long-term profitable customer relationships, this book sets the context for the next Millennium.”
Mike Norris, Chief Executive, Computacenter plc