Improving Efficiency Pocketbook (ebook only)

Derek Snee & Philip Holman


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To deliver more from less (more sales, profits, etc from fewer resources) you must understand in detail your organisation’s operations or processes. The Improving Efficiency Pocketbook challenges four areas of operations: The design (Why are things done in a certain way?) The plan (Is there a better way to meet demand?) The controls (Are the right things being measured?) The way improvements are made (Are you involving your people, customers and suppliers?) The book follows a 6-stage model, with each of the stages covered by a separate chapter. The consistent and systematic application of the tools and techniques contained in this Pocketbook will improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of your processes and resources.

Product Details


Derek Snee & Philip Holman

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date


Paperback Pages


Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148 x 7 mm

Paperback ISBN


eBook ISBN



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“Retailing on the high street today is more competitive and more dynamic than ever before; if you’re not efficient in all aspects of your operation then you won’t be on the high street next year. Improving Efficiency provides managers with a uniquely comprehensive, practical and potent set of tools.”
Mark Tesseyman, Senior Brand Director, Bonmarché (The Peacock Group)

“A clearly presented set of tools, methods and guidelines for today’s busy managers who are striving to get ‘more from less’. It focuses on pragmatic and effective approaches, and provides invaluable advice for undertaking a wide spectrum of process improvements.”
Stuart Chambers, Lecturer in Operations Management, Warwick Business School