Collaborative Working Pocketbook

Douglas Miller


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“Within us, collectively, there lives brilliance, even genius, which, if harnessed in the right way, can transform our work”, says author Doug Miller in the Collaborative Working Pocketbook.

“The main reason we collaborate”, he continues, “is that no individual, team, group or, even, organisation can hope to have all the knowledge and skills it needs without partnering with others to meet its goals.”

Collaborative working is quite simply a dynamic method for solving problems and for creating and exploiting opportunities through two or more people. It allows you to be the best version of yourself in a way that benefits the group you are part of.

At the heart of collaborative working are seven core behaviours – the collaborative habits. Each of these habits – trust, purpose, humility, connectivity, curiosity, disagreement and control – is described in a separate chapter and Miller explains how they can be applied from both an individual and team perspective.

Product Details


Douglas Miller



Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148mm

Publication Date

November 2017


ebook, Paperback

Paperback ISBN


eBook ISBN



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“As an HR Manager working across units, countries and with many different teams, this book provides me with great support and inspiration in creating foundations for a collaborative working environment. I can immediately apply some theoretical arguments to my daily challenges, and see the positive outcomes!”

Jeanette Broberg, Human Resources Manager, Iggesund Paperboard