Teamworking Pocketbook (ebook only)

Ian Fleming


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The Teamworking Pocketbook has long been at the heart of the successful Management Pocketbooks Series. A new third edition of this popular title is now published.

The Teamworking Pocketbook is written by Ian Fleming, author of several other titles in the Series. It looks at the differences between groups and teams and between teambuilding and teamworking, the types of problems preventing teams from being effective, and offers plenty of practical advice for countering such difficulties.

Leadership, conflict management and understanding group behaviour are among the many subjects covered in this illustrated ‘hands-on’ guide.

Business Executive magazine wrote: ‘While much has been written about building teams in an attempt to get people to start working together, less has been said about what happens next during the performing or teamworking stage. Fleming helps redress the imbalance’.



Product Details


Ian Fleming

Publication Date

December 2016



Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148mm

Paperback ISBN


eBook ISBN



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“Clears the fog in team dynamics and makes teamwork enjoyable as well as essential.” Director of Leisure and Community Resources

“There are very few truly high-performing teams; this book provides practical tools and tips to help you ensure that the teams you belong to join the few.”
Operations and Service Director

“A very reliable and practical guide for team leaders at all levels.”  Training & Development Manager