Impact & Presence Pocketbook

Pam Jones & Janie van Hool


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Describes how to identify and build on your strengths to create leadership presence and maximise your personal impact. Also explains how to create connections and increase social media presence. The Impact & Presence Pocketbook shows readers how to develop a congruent and personal presence, enhance their leadership skills, create an atmosphere in their teams that will motivate and enthuse, and how to manage difficult situations. Subjects covered in the new edition of this pocketbook include: self-awareness (with a questionnaire that will enable readers to review their own impact), visualisation, creating a brand image, posture, gesture, eye contact, emotional control, dress style, creating rapport, what to do in difficult circumstances and how to create impact in different situations (e.g. meetings, interviews, presentations and one-to-one sessions).

Product Details


Pam Jones & Janie van Hool

Publication Date




Paperback ISBN


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paperback, ebook


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“A brilliant toolkit packed with stimulating insight, thought-provoking self analysis, and practical tips. This is a ‘must-read’ for both the experienced and novice who are looking to further develop their presence and impact to shine through today’s fog of mass communication channels.”
John Griffiths, Change Leader, Project One Consulting

“Full of practical ideas to help you harness your strengths and present the best version of yourself.”
Dr Dina Dommett, Dean, Ashridge Executive Education, Hult International Business School

“I’ve just started out in my career and am finding the tips in this book hugely insightful and beneficial.”
Tilly Wickens, Financial Planning & Reporting Analyst, DS Smith