Management Models Pocketbook (ebook only)

Mike Clayton


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Models that explain what happened, that predict what will happen and that reveal how to get results are described in The Management Models Pocketbook – a practical resource for trainers, coaches and facilitators, and a ready-reference for managers. The range of models described, 10 in total, includes John Adair’s action centred leadership model, Bruce Tuckman’s team development and behaviour model, Eric Berne’s parent-adult-child theory of transactional analysis and John Boyd’s OODA decision-making model. There are models too covering delegation, motivation and communications. For each model described, author Mike Clayton outlines the problem that the model addresses, explains how it works (first an overview followed by a more detailed explanation) and uses examples to demonstrate how it works in practice. A diagrammatic view of each model and references to related models add to the practical approach. According to the 5-star review on Amazon: ‘This is a brilliant book. The author has clearly and simply explained the models and how they apply to everyday business. A must for every training professional.’

Product Details


Mike Clayton

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date


Paperback Pages


Paperback Dimensions

105 x 148 x 7 mm

Paperback ISBN

978 1 906610 03 6

eBook ISBN



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“Invaluable both as a foundation to the subject for new managers and as a quick refresher for more seasoned managers and leaders.”
Cryss Mennaceur, Head of Organisational Development, London Borough of Sutton

“If I wanted to know about the essence of leadership or motivational theory, or even just how to communicate more effectively, this is the book I would turn to.”
Adam Wynard, Ministry of Justice, Justice Academy

“With so many daily challenges faced by managers, this book is a great way to refresh and enthuse yourself with some great management model thinking – a pocket-sized gem for managers.”
Perry Timms, Head of Organisational Development, Big Lottery Fund